Can India become a super power

    Will India become super power or not? How this question appears? . India got independence before 75 years and we are thinking on to become a super power. Now India is competing with the nations across the world. This question Can India become super power? this question arise in the year 1991, at that time government passes the act -Economic liberalisation of India. By this many people come out of poverty and over millions of people got employed. India is the 7th largest country by area and the 2nd most populous country in the world. It is almost one of the most fastest growing economies and a hub for information technology services and also have the powerful military services.

     In recent years, various other countries get help from India, from supplying food and medicine to war stuck countries like Afganisthan. To helping countries like USA, Russia and Ukraine politically. Can we say this,  that India become a super power. To dive into this topic, what are the factors will decide the country become super power.

1)Economic development - A country's GDP is very important for a nations success.

2)Resources like manpower, Energy and different minerals - Can sell them in foreign market and earn money.

3)The Military power - One of the most important factor when it comes to power.

Lets take India's growth in terms of Economy and Military. In21st century USA has the super power that completes all the requirments of a country in terms of dominance on Economy. The major reason is USA has the top brands and has the top universities and also leads the world in manufacturing this helps the country to become economically strong and super power.

    The companies like Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley predicts that the GDP of India will increase more than that of Chine in coming years.Experts suggested 3  reason behind this. After 2005 India is investing heavily on infrastructure like railways, roads, airports and power plants. Take one of the example as the India's largest floating solar power plant project. These things are most important for a country to become economically superpower. In 2014 plan states that India is going to invest 1 trillion in infrastructure. The second reason is the median age , this means 25 years. Already noted that India is the 2nd most populous country and more people in the age of 20 to 25 which means there will be more youngsters in the country this adds more to the man power. This becomes a great oppurtunity for investors.

 The 3rd reason is the Rise of Information technology. Before 2016, the data costs for 1GB is around 98rs. Jio, the company created the revolution and reduced the costs significantly. In other countries the average costs is 800rs. Because of India has the better hand on technology.

Political influence

    Based on the political influence India has the good relationship with the USA, Russia, Ukraine they request India to help in their political issues.

Military power

     In terms of military India has the 4th place which means the 4th strongest military base when compared to other countries.The missile strength of India which has the anti-satellite weapon which means are space weapons designed to destroy satellites for strategy or tactical purposes. Only few countries got succeed in these process. Missile defence system anti-ballistic missile which means India is also one the country which has the own missile defence system.India's largest range ICBM currently Agni 5 with the range of 5000 to 8000 kms. Submarine launch ballistic missiles slbn currently India's longest slbm is k4 with 3500 kms. Now India has 42,00,000 army personal, 4200+ tanks, 230+ self propelled artillary and 260+ rocket projecters. 

Problem of becoming a superpower

      The major reason is unemployment and poverty. India need young entrepreneurs, learn to give people jobs to solve these two problems. Because, if the unemployment is getting reduced definitely there will be less poverty.

      Need to focus more on the gains that already accmulated. There will be 2000+ castes,8 major religions, roughly 15 spoken languages and many tribes this stops India to live harmoniously. 

      Will spread , teach and practice equality if no equality in terms of religion, caste and gender it will affect people in India and stop India to become the super power. Education is one of the major cause according to literacy rate in India is 77% , this is not enough in terms of population.

 From all these points India will become a super power in the recent and upcoming years as well.


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